Articles and Resources

Hiring a Leadership Coach There are several reasons a leader may consider hiring a leadership coach. New, inexperienced, or high-potential leaders may hire a leadership coach to learn essential leadership skills or gain confidence in a new leadership role. Seasoned leaders may hire a leadership coach to overcome a plateau, solve a specific challenge, or […]

Communication-Based Learning in the Workplace Why are communication patterns important in effective management training?   Here at Leadership Choice, all of our training programs begin with our Connecting With People Workshop. Not only does this workshop give each participant insight into their own personal communication patterns, but it also gives them the mindsets and skillsets […]

Business efficiency is all about maximizing team performance while minimizing business costs. With that goal in mind, it’s no wonder so many companies are making the switch to virtual training for leadership development. But things aren’t always what they seem in virtual training. Here’s what to look for.     Spotting Fakes: 3 Impostors, 3 […]

Motivating Employees without Just Raising their Salary If you’ve ever been sucked into a conversation about compensation—yours or anyone else’s—you’ve probably heard the seemingly never-ending debate around what motivates people most. While there are many ways of rewarding good behavior, are commissions and other extrinsic financial rewards all we’ve got to work with here? Where […]

In the employee training and leadership development industry, we are seeing more and more companies transitioning to a virtual training environment. Virtual training is training that is completed online either in an on-demand or a instructor-led training environment. Many companies making the switch choose virtual training (or e-learning) because it is more flexible, more affordable, […]

An Effective Platform for Leadership Training Flipped classrooms are breaking their way into the leadership development and management training industry, but what exactly is a “flipped classroom” and what does an effective flipped classroom environment look like? In a flipped classroom setting, students are given self-study materials that introduce a subject before any further learning […]

The Benefits of Delegating Delegating can be a hassle. Trust us, we get it. It feels like it takes more time to explain how to do something than it would to just do it yourself. Not to mention when it eventually does get done, it’s never quite how you would have chosen to do it […]

6 Qualities of Effective Virtual Training I recently watched a speaker discuss the subject of empowerment. In this speech, he made the flippant comment that “virtual training” was an oxymoron. “Don’t you have to see the action to be trained by it?” the speaker posed? Is there really such a thing as effective virtual training? […]

The Flipped Classroom Model & Why It’s Important in Long-Term Success by Patrick Bosworth Are You Dooming your Employee Development to Failure? The Flipped Classroom Model & Why it’s Important in Long-Term Success   More and more professional learning experts are switching to a “Flipped Classroom” teaching style which utilizes preliminary self-study before an actual […]