As businesses evolve and face new challenges, the pressure on leaders to steer their teams toward success intensifies. But what if there was a way to ensure that teams not only met these challenges but also thrived in the process? Enter leadership coaching. This transformative approach goes beyond traditional training, offering leaders a personalized roadmap […]

Leadership, in its purest form, is not merely a position of authority; it represents the capacity to inspire, influence, and establish an environment where every team member can attain their fullest potential. At the heart of this leadership ethos lie the C-suite executives, whose skills and competencies steer the trajectory of the organization. This pivotal […]

Often, diverse thinking is a major key to a successful team. By bringing in diverse perspectives, a more comprehensive picture of a task or problem can be painted, allowing for innovation and collaboration. However, to create a diverse perspective on a team, leaders must first create a safe, inclusive workspace. This is where inclusive leadership […]

Those with decision-making powers often wonder whether it’s worth investing in leaders if they soon leave, taking their knowledge and skills to seek out new pastures. However, what happens if you don’t train leaders? Your workforce is led by people who could be much more efficient and effective if they only had the proper training. […]

by Patrick Bosworth Managing Brilliant Employees Even an outstanding team of engineers, computer programmers, developers, or systems designers will only be as effective as their leader allows them to be. After nearly two decades of experience working alongside brilliant (and nerdy) professionals in technology companies, it’s become quite clear that an organization’s success is less dependent on […]

by Patrick Bosworth Why Communication is Important Organizations understanding that each team member has a different communication pattern and that each of these communication patterns is “good” and is primed for success. You can’t conduct business without words. That’s not a miraculous discovery–we’ve known communication is important to business for centuries. We know that when […]

by Dave Boizelle Leadership & Employee Development The secret of leader-led development and how to make it work for your organization For a lot of companies, training and development has become that one week out of the year where employees disappear for a day or two to learn a few new skills and come back pumped […]

The Importance of Team Communication in the Workplace Leadership Choice begins each of our leadership training and coaching programs with an iConnect Communication Assessment and, in most cases, a Connecting With People workshop. Entering into a training or coaching environment after attending a Connecting With People workshop means participants are in the mindset of understanding […]

by Dave Boizelle   Training High-Potential Leaders Individuals learn leadership lessons in unique and personal ways, often at unpredictable times. I was facilitating a high potential leadership team program when one of the participants interrupted me and blurted out, “I get it! I finally get it!” The class came to a halt. I turned to him […]

Communication in the workplace is one of the most influential aspects of business success or failure. A well-communicating team can move mountains together, while a poorly-communicating team can unintentionally (or intentionally) sabotage success.   Effective Communication in the Workplace Improving communication in your teams is one of the most important changes your organization can take. […]